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Nostos Collectives is a Not-For-Profit organization based in Halifax, NS. We provide creation, performance and professional development platforms for contemporary dance artists. Nostos Collectives is one of the only dance collectives in Canada that strives to create and serve an inter-provincial community of emerging artists.

Having branches in Halifax and Toronto, Nostos  is inspired to help the departure of Nova Scotia dancers return home after post-secondary training by providing cross-provincial collaboration between both cities, keeping them connected to the Toronto dance hub. Having two branches exponentially increases the collaboration of artists which creates more work and performance opportunities for our artists.

Since 2014, Nostos has been creating, collaborating and presenting their works throughout Canada, with their dual home bases in Halifax and Toronto.




The artistic mandate of Nostos is to continually create a multi-provincial, comfortable, safe and judgment-free structure where dance artists are encouraged to explore freely, express and develop ideas to build their careers. All artists are able to lead, pitch projects and contribute ideas. The Collective provides support to follow these pitched project ideas from concept to production to performance. All the dancers involved in the Collective are encouraged to collaborate and choreograph amongst each other. Embracing their contemporary training as their primary form of expression, various styles, themes, and subjects have been demonstrated in Nostos’s stylistic diversity.

Within our projects we strongly encourage the integration and career development of emerging artists. We strive for our membership to reflect our community accurately including visible minorities,immigrants, and LGBTQIA2S+ identifying persons. Artists are all valued equally, and we believe in representing all voices and artistic ideas.

Nostos creates, collaborates, and performs in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral home and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. We have gratitude for this land, and respect and appreciation for its many generations of caretakers. As an organization, we commit to learning what it means to be Treaty People who move forward together in peace and friendship.

© 2019 by Nostos Collectives. Proudly created with 

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